Effortless by Greg McKeown - Book Summary
Greg McKeown's first book, Essentialism, was all about how eliminating the unnecessary can help us identify and prioritize what matters most in our lives. And in his second book, Effortless, Greg teaches us how to take seamless-yet-focused action on what matters most in our lives. McKeown reveals he wrote this book to help you lighten your burdens, not to downplay them; to make it easier to focus on what matters most. The Effortless State is when you feel fully focused on your work—you don't feel rushed, but you do feel present; you don't feel overwhelmed, but you do feel capable; you don't feel like you're working on the wrong thing, because you've already identified the right thing to work on in any given moment. When these elements are in place, you can take effortless action. In this book summary, we'll cover how to make that happen.
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Life doesn't have to be as hard and complicated as we make it. Simplify and take action.